Sunshine - we've been having a lot of that here, in the Sunshine State! (oh... that's another thing Jacky & I have in common - we're both Florida girls) ;-) ...not to mention temps up to the 100's & killer humidity! aah!! - not always what I'd call ideal.
But! I do love me some sunshine ... I browsed etsy & found some fun things that incorporate sun & sunshine...
Have a fun, "sunshine" find? Do share!
(i found a bunch on etsy! ...especially art prints - which I LOVE.)
For thus the Lord has said to me: I will be still and I will look on from My dwelling place, like clear and glowing heat in sunshine, like a fine cloud of mist in the heat of harvest. - Isaiah 18:4
- celeste
p.s. I have a ton of giveaways on my blog right now that are open-for-entry!