Friday, January 28, 2011

{lovely finds} floral

{some floral finds for your friday enjoyment...}


What is your favorite flower?

happy weekend!


  1. All of these are so pretty! I love pretty much any flower, but if I had to narrow it down, I would pick tulips and daffodils. :)

  2. Ohhh love the orange floral tote! Too cute!

  3. Ohhh pretties.

    I think you should do the hydrangea crown or something similar for your wedding.

    One thing I had always wanted for my "something blue" was to have fresh forget me nots on my veil. I got to and loved it.

  4. I LOVE hydrangeas!! So you must know how obsessed I now am with the Hydrangea headband!!

  5. I love roses...a lot. I always have. I do love a mix of wild flowers too though.


I love to hear from you, my dear readers. So, tell me - what's on your mind?