Wednesday, February 17, 2010

on the subject of {blogging}

When I first sat down to start my own blog, I had no illusions of greatness. I just wanted to write. Knew that I need to "express myself" in some way. Yes, I wanted people to read, but I didn't think they would.

Now, over a year later, I feel like I've embraced blogging. It's something I do. I could probably feel justified calling myself a blogger {as strange as it sounds to my own ears}.

I never expected 144 followers.
Never imagined the inspiration I would gain, or how much comments would mean to me.
I even feel like I've made friends, even though I've never met them "in real life".

And I like it.

How did you start blogging? What have you learned since you began? Do you have any blogging tips?


Anonymous said...

I started our blog to chronicle engagement happenings for our own personal use. When people started following/reading/actually caring what I say, I learned pretty quickly not to be too bold, but to express myself anyway. I guess I'm learning to filter those thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I started our blog to chronicle engagement happenings for our own personal use. When people started following/reading/actually caring what I say, I learned pretty quickly not to be too bold, but to express myself anyway. I guess I'm learning to filter those thoughts.

Lucy Marie said...

I started my blog simply because my brother had one and so did a few friends. I never ever expected to find the kind of friendship and community that I have found through blogging. Blogging is certainly a part of who I am. I have made some very good friends this way - some who I would call my best friends. In fact, I am going on a road trip this weekend and will be meeting two of them.

Anonymous said...

I agree!!! I started blogging to give other parents/family members of children with special needs some hope...and it's really become a part of me. Thanks for stopping by from SITS!!

Meredith said...

I stumbled upon blogging. I started out very slow, maybe one or two a week and now I do it everyday!! Its a part of my life. I really enjoy it and hope my blog continues to grow!!!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

My only blogging advice really, is to continue to be yourself. I started blogging in 2006. As with anything else, you will see trends.

Sometimes your blog will be crazy popular, and other times it'll drop in traffic. Just go with the flow and be yourself, but don't feel pressured to start blogging a certain way or about a certain topic just because that's the hot trend of the moment.

amy said...

I started blogging January 2007 on myspace and didn't switch over to Blogger until July 2008.

I blog whenever I feel like it, or if I'm bored, or if I have something to say or a funny story to tell.

My favorite way to blog is by doing lists. I started with "10 Things I Want To Buy Next" and "These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things".

Maggi said...

I agree with you, I love blogging! I have a video game blog which was my first started in 2006. I started Just Add Glitter and Stir (then Katamommy Damacy) in 2008 after Toot was born and I started scrapping again.

The only tip I hold as #1 is comment comment comment, I love visiting other blogs and leaving some comment love for them! :D

Brittany Ann said...

I'm the same way. Never expected how in love I'd be with something I just started because I needed a place to write.

Iva Messy said...

Blogging is so amazing! I never thought I would connect with so many amazing people through a blog! I just started in April and its been a beautiful experience! I am so happy for you to also be enjoying yourself and connecting with new fabulous people! Keep up your great blogging! I hope you are having a nice week! Happy Wednesday!

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

I started my blog one day while I was at work. I had NEVER thought of blogging but my friend said she just made one and I should too. I thought why not? I have loved it ever since.

extreme personal measures said...

144! I feel so FARRRRRRRRRR away from that.

Stopping by from SITS!
Please stop by!

Mandy England said...

I just started blogging, and I love having a place to share my thoughts and creations... honestly I feel a little discouraged, though. It's so encouraging to hear how your blog became so much more successful than you had anticipated :]

You have a lovely site! I'm so glad I stumbled across it :]

Small Burst said...

I started blogging to give family in different parts of the country updates on our lives but my blog has since transformed into a different animal. The content now allows me to connect with other women from all over the world. And it is fun, isn't it. BTW, you have a lovely blog.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

I know exactly what you mean! I heard so many times, "you should start a blog". And I always thought... why, who wants to read what I have to say! lol But it is amazing how friendships grow with people you have never actually met! It's wonderful!!

SoBella Creations said...

I agree I never started my blog thinking I would have followers. I wish I could post everyday. But, it doesn't seem possible.