Friday, June 14, 2013

it's been quiet + a little news

It's been quiet here on the blog the past week or so, but for good reason.
I announced this on Instagram, but time to make it blog-official...

We bought our first home!
Oh my goodness, it's exciting. :)

We ended up with a 3 bed/2 bath townhouse,
just down the street from our old place (we were renting).
We've been cleaning/organizing/packing/moving/etc,
so I've been a little too busy to blog.
We're officially living in our new place,
but there's still quite a bit of work to do
before we're completely settled in.

I have more fun things to share, projects I've worked on,
handmade favorites, so I'll be back soon. :)

happy Friday!
hope your weekend is wonderful.


  1. Congrats! That is such an exciting (and somewhat scary) feeling! I can't wait to see more pics and hear about it :)

  2. Oh, that is so exciting! I'm still waiting for that day to come for us :) Congrats!

  3. Oh my gosh, that is amazing! Congratulations on your first own home! I cannot wait to see pics of it! I am sure it's beautiful! Love the red door! xxx

  4. So excited for you guys! I hope that moving in and unpacking has gone well! Can't wait to see peeks into your new home as you get it all settled! :)

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