Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The 1500 Tree Project

I really love adoption.
I really love supporting adoptions in any way I can.

So today I'd like to introduce you to Angie,
the mama behind The 1500 Tree Project,
and her cute family. :)

I found out about The 1500 Tree Project through Instagram,
ordered a tree myself, and wanted to help spread the word!

I'm going to let Angie's words tell their story better than I'd be able to. :)

"In 2012, on a warm Saturday morning in November, my husband and I waited anxiously in a bright orphanage. At 9 am, the director arrived, carrying a serious(ly adorable) 6 1/2 month baby boy into the room. I burst into happy tears. Quiet. Happy. Tears. After months of waiting, piles of paperwork, and an indescribable amount anticipation, we were finally in Taiwan, holding our son for the first time.

Now, we spend our days chasing, laughing, gardening, giggling, and dreaming. Life is pretty beautiful. And we are thrilled to share that our son is going to be a big brother! On the surface, the 1500 Tree Project is a way to fund our second adoption. 1500 trees made. 1500 trees sold. One fully funded adoption. But really, it's so much more than that. 

It's cutting leaves out of colorful paper while my son toddles around the living room, babbling away. It's thinking about designs as my husband plucks away at his upright bass guitar, practicing a bluegrass tune. It's piecing together a tree when we chat about our days, with the low hum of the baby monitor buzzing in the background with our toddler's sleeping breaths. The 1500 Tree Project is love and hope, poured into a little 6x6 canvas. Joy really is the heartbeat of our shop and the spirit I pour into every piece I produce. This is our family. That is our big picture. Where will you fall in The 1500 Tree Project?"
It's pretty simple:
If they can sell those 1500 trees
their 2nd adoption will be fully funded.
Isn't that fantastic?!

The trees are just lovely, perfect for adding a pop of color to your space.
My pink one will be living in our shared office, which could always use more color. ;)
I love that Angie's created something pretty to share,
and that it's an easy way for others to support their adoption.

Will you help?
Shop for your tree HERE.
Also, Angie's offering a little coupon code just for you;
simply enter PetuniaReader at checkout.

--> follow along with The 1500 Tree Project on

{Angie isn't paying me to share their story,
I just love the idea & wanted to share. :)}

>>>>> <<<<<

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please be sure to follow The Sweetest Petunia on Bloglovin'
so you don't miss anything!


  1. Thank you SO much for ordering a tree and sharing our story!!! I look forward to meeting some of your readers :-)

  2. Love this!! Will Buy a tree---I *so* get how small purchases add up to truly help.

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