Wednesday, March 10, 2010

{wednesday morning coffee}

This Wednesday morning is finding me tired. Really tired.
It's only the middle of the week, but I'm ready for it to be over.

Yesterday, my friend and I went out for coffee.
We talked life + family drama + love + weddings.
It was good. :)

Do you need a coffee break every once in a while?
{or maybe a lot!}
Well, go brew yourself a cup, and let's chat.

I'll start.
What's your middle name?
{for some reason, I love knowing middle names}
Favorite color?
What would you order if you went to Starbucks right now?
What is your least favorite chore?
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Even virtual coffee breaks can be relaxing, right?

**Be sure to enter the Lima Bean Designs giveaway! The apron up for grabs is just fabulous.**


Kelli said...

Paige...Paige is my middle name.
My fave color is purple (and the many different hues of it)
If it were fall, I'd order the pumkin spice latte. That's all I get there.
I would go to Tuscany, rent a villa, sit out on the veranda (overlooking the vinyard of course), sipping port wine while pondering thoughts of life. Cheesy, I know.
Hehehe! Thanks for this virtual coffee break! It was nice...I found myself needing a bit more coffee this morning as well. I think it's the rain. Thanks for hosting the giveaway too! I've already sold four aprons!
Blessings friend,
Kelli @ SustainingCreativity

gina said...

hold on let me get my tea...


What's your middle name?

Marie (that's a shocker , huh? an Italian girl named Gina Marie. )

middle names are super important to me too, i wrote about it here:

Favorite color?

depends on the season. fall and winter? i'm loving brick red, pumpkin, plum, and dark sage green.

spring/summer? red, tangerine, aqua, yellow, hot pink.

What would you order if you went to Starbucks right now?

a red velvet cupcake!

What is your least favorite chore?


followed by folding clothes- too time consuming and mind numbing. i don't mind if the girls or john are helping me fold, so i have someone to talk to.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?


and Ireland.

gina said...

oh, and lime green. i knew i was forgetting one for summer. lime green!

Anonymous said...

Vanilla Chai
Mopping and Laundry are tied

How about you?

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

love a good chat...

Dianne - after my aunt
green - many shades
tall coffee with room for cream
washing dishes

Kelli said...

Oh, I forgot my least favorite chore...
Mopping, hands down, is my least favorite chore. I would be beyond happy to clean the entire house with no complaints, top to bottom, if there were only mopping fairies to do that part.
I loathe it.
Kelli @ SustainingCreativity

Mandy England said...

I definitely need my coffee breaks/girl talk every week :] So I'll play. . .

The middle name is Jane,
Yellow is my fav [of course!],
Right now I'd order a shaken green tea lemonade,
I hate doing the dishes [too bad that one's pretty daily, huh? Oddly enough, one of my absolute favorite things to do is vacuum. The fresh lines in the carpet make me so happy!],
And anywhere in the world. . . I guess I'd be happy anywhere where my hubby is. Here, there- it doesn't matter. I know, it's cheesy, but so true :]

What about you?

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I need a coffee break several times a day. ah ha ha...Leigh, Aqua, Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte, Laundry, Paris

Manda said...

In a nut shell... since I'm a bit of a nut.
*Skinny Vanilla Latte