Friday, June 11, 2010


Hello everyone!
Let me just say that I am so excited that Jacky asked me to guest-post. I have been wanting to branch-out and start what I like to call "real blogging" (you know... not just giveaways). This is going to be so much fun!
Well, to briefly introduce myself...
My name is Celeste and I am currently a sophomore in college - majoring in Early Childhood Education. I absolutely love kids...although my main "goal" in life really is just to become a stay-at-home-mommy someday, I thoroughly enjoy teaching in the classroom. For the past 5 years, I have been able to work in a Christian school (actually, the same school I attended) in the preschool and kindergarten departments. In high school, one of my elective periods was actually internship - and you bet I took that opportunity! :) Currently, I "team teach" kindergarten at the same said school; while I take my college classes in the evenings and online. (they call it "team teaching" - I'd call it an aide, but I do get to teach some subject areas.)

(I rambled some more here -- but deleted it ... opted for more of just a "random list" -- I love random lists.)
I have one sister, Chloe, who is 2 years younger than me.
 I absolutely love to cook/bake - but, the cleaning of the dishes? not so much. ha!
but... I'm also kinda a health-nut.
I love photography...and, ever since getting a dslr - I have kinda gone nuts. (I just. can't. stop.)!
I'm a font-o-holic.
I'm obsessed with Anthro. - although, really - their prices are a little ridiculous. (just sayin')
I do not like coffee (sorry, Jacky ... I just can't get into it.)
I never, ever, ever, EVER thought that I would be a "dog person" until we got our chocolate lab, Nora. Now, I can not imagine life without a pup around. ;-)
I am also quite passionate about politics. (Ronald Reagan is my homeboy.)
I've lived in Florida all of my life.
I'm a "military kid"- my daddy (yes - I still call him daddy) was in the U.S. Army for 29 years.
I'm a "name geek" (a.k.a. I read baby names websites for fun). ha!
If a crew of designers from Pottery Barn or Restoration Hardware would like to come and furnish a home for me... I'd be cool with that. very cool with that.
I have way too many pairs of shoes. (but, not admitting an addiction...yet.)
My guilty [food] pleasure? Vanilla Coke Zero. (I know it's terrible for you, oh well.)
I drive a Honda Odyssey. No joke. I'm an 18-year-old that wanted an Odyssey. 
I love reality tv. 
Blogs are amazing. Seriously, I rarely do anything else online besides reading blogs.
I do not like Wal-mart. at all. (the place drives me crazy!)
I have a BlackBerry  crackberry - but would love to dump it for one of the shiny, new iPhones. ;-) 
and... of course! ... I am a Christian - striving to serve Him better each day and excited to see what plans He has for me!  

Now! Do you have some fun questions [or not-so-fun questions] for me? 
Anything. (random ones are always fun) ;-)
Leave 'em in the comments - and I'll answer them next Friday. 

p.s. I realized that I forgot to write about how I started my blog ... I'll post that in another post - maybe in a day or so. sound good?



Leigh said...

welcome celeste!! i'm excited to read more about you!! :)

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Hey, girl! I still like you, even if you don't like coffee. :)

Yanick said...

Hi Celeste! Your in good company with Jacky :) Welcome.

Izabela said...

Hi Celeste. I am new to Jacky's blog but I've enjoyed it TONS. It's very nice to meet you :)

hiyaluv said...

Hiya Celeste!
Welcome! We are going to have lots of fun here together!!! Smiles, gina

Anonymous said...

Would you be willing to guest blog on my blog?

Holly Lefevre said...

In spite of the coffee thing, you sound fabulous! Ronald Reagan, a mini van, and reality tv...what's not to love ...I am a mom and do not drive a minivan though!