Tuesday, February 22, 2011

calendar love {even in february...}

I know that you usually get a new calendar at the beginning of a new year. But I added a calendar to my collection last week, so I had to share... :)

I love calendars. It probably has something to do with my organized/plan-in-advance/remember-the-details side. I have 2 planners for this year, plus my iTouch calendar, plus Gmail calendars. Yep.

But last week I wanted something pretty for my wall, and look what I found!

{sorry, these pictures aren't the best. the lighting on that wall is very odd...}

It's not the most practical, considering you can't really write in appointments and such, but I obviously didn't need a{nother} practical calendar.

And it's very pretty, so it doesn't have to be practical. :)

You can even print out your own for free!
Just head on over to this Creature Comforts post.

So, tell me...
How many calendars do you have?


Mandy England said...

Pretty, pretty. I used to have a daily planner that I carried with me everywhere I went... but that was in Tallahassee when I was juggling 30 students and a part time substitute schedule. I currently don't really have a use for a calendar, but I wish I did! They're so fun :]

Katie said...

I have a school planner which has all my school work written in it in detail, along with school dates (such as spring break). Isaiah always thinks I'm ridiculous for how organized it is. Then we have a family calendar on the wall that we write what is going on. It works for now.

Katie Lane said...

I use google. I have two on the house, but I don't write on either of them :)

Anonymous said...

just came across your blog and its wonderful :) i use my own planner as a calendar that always have with me incase i run into people or they call ha

Laura said...

I have the same beautiful calendar on my wall! So cute!

I have a planner and I live by my work computer calendar. Yet somehow I'm still late.