Thursday, November 5, 2009

I've Got My Sew On!

I would not say that I am a stranger to sewing, necessarily. My grandma taught me the "basics" when I was younger, and I can definitely sew buttons and mend tears and that kind of thing. Earlier this year I made myself some skirts and a dress for Katheryn.

So, not a complete stranger.

However, I would love to be like the fabulous Gussy and churn out cute little pouches like she does. Maybe someday I'll be able to. Anyway, Gussy was sweet enough to suggest some books and give me some sewing tips, and so now I'm (finally!) revealing what I've been working on.

This is the book that I've gotten the most use out of:

I love the cute patterns in this book, and my first project was to try the Artsy Clutch (which is the project on the cover of the book). It took a little doing, mainly because sewing lining in really confuses me, but finally I figured it out:

It has a button-and-loop closure, and it's pretty much just a soft bag folded in half. Open it up, throw in you cellphone and some lipgloss, and you're ready to go!

Then I thought, Well, that wasn't too awful...I'll try another!

So I did.

Burgundy, Black and White is one of my favorite color schemes ever.

After I made the clutches, I decided to try for an actual bag.

It's not really a purse, but I've been carrying it around, and it's great for my small stuff, especially since I usually don't need all the stuff in the huge purses I carry around!

There's even a little pocket inside!

So yes, I've gotten my sew on. Do think I should keep it on?

And many thanks go out to Gussy for all her help! =)


Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah. Sew on, sista! I'm proud of you. Wish I could find the time for a few of my own planned projects.

Anonymous said...

very cute!!

Lisa Kate said...

LOVE these!! You are really talented!

I used to sew *a ton* when I was in high school...I'd love to start again and while I do have a machine, I don't have a table to put it on arg!

PS Glad you liked the colors!! They were both so pretty I couldn't decide between the two!

Christina said...

Those are really cute. Definitely keep it up!

Elisabeth said...

Girl those are so great. Hint hint Christmas is coming up one of those bags would be awesome. Just saying haha :))) Miss you! Tons of love <3


Melinda said...

Those are absolutely adorable .. especially the first couple of bags. I took a sewing class once, but it was when the kids were little and I doubt I retained a stitch of knowledge (ha ha). Your cute little bags may inspire me, though, to drag out my machine. That's the easy part ... finding the time to do it is a bit more challenging!

Mademoiselle Deva said...

so cute!!! i want the same one!!! Thnak you for stopping by on my blog Sweetie!

emily hope said...

cute, cute! keep at it - definitely. i just requested the book from our library - thanks for the inspiration :)

Aunt Spicy said...

look at you go! Wow! they are all adorable!

Moore Minutes said...

Oh wow! These are so super adorable!! I can't sew at all and could never do that. I love them all. :)

Shan @ Design Gal said...

just stumbled upon your blog and i'm loving it! these are so cute!

Lisa in Oz said...

These are SO cute! I especially love that second clutch - burgundy, black and white is one of my favorite color schemes too. :-)

Katie said...

Great job! I have that book too and the first project I made was the little clutch. Mine was with princess fabric for my then 2 year old. I had trouble with the lining too! Love the addition of the fabric flower. I may have to add that to the next one I make!